
Showing posts from October, 2019

Recovery Ministry

In the last several years, recovery ministries have been springing up all over the Dayton, Ohio area. With the opioid epidemic, many people in the church decided they wanted to get involved and start these ministries. For several years I helped start several recovery ministries in the area and elsewhere. My passion for those who need recovery comes from losing my father when I was 15 to an overdose, and ultimately becoming an alcoholic myself. By the grace of God, today I am more than 8 years sober and try to stay involved in these types of ministries. Four to five years ago I would be praising these ministries and churches for simply opening their doors to those in need and being willing to help. However, in the last couple of years I have attended several recovery ministries and left feeling concerned about the direction we are headed in. My primary concern is the motive of the leaders involved in recovery ministries. I realize many people are in recovery and love Jesus, however