
Showing posts from 2018

Narcan in the Church

As many know, Dayton, Ohio has been one of the hardest hit cities in the US by the Opioid epidemic. As I wrote in my previous blog, the church spent many years burying its head in the sand until it was too big to ignore. Now that some churches have come on board to fight the crisis, there is a huge debate on the use of Narcan in the church. Unfortunately, there are also some churches attempting to use "recovery services" as a way to grow their church and get donations for the cause. Today, I was in a conversation with someone who stated there is a church with a "recovery service" who now (1) refuses to use Narcan on anyone who overdoses and (2) does not allow anyone who is intoxicated or high to attend their services. Let me address these in order. (1) The Use of Narcan in the Church The parable of the Good Samaritan is a great example here (Luke 10:25-37). In fact, Jesus even points out that a priest (vs 31) was walking by the person in need of help an