
Showing posts from September, 2017

Whom Shall I Send?

For centuries there has been some debate within the Christian church about "working your way to Heaven." Some believe you have to do so many good deeds to get there, others believe you don't have to do anything but believe in Jesus and follow a few sacraments and rituals. With the opioid epidemic that has hit America and particularly Dayton, Ohio where I am from, I felt like God was calling me to address a few things in this area using His word to do so and not just what some pastor trying to get you to volunteer said out of frustration.   First thing we have to understand is there is legitimate reason for the frustration in the church today. It is said that 90% of the work in the church is done by 10% of the church goers who eventually end up burned out and frustrated. I believe this comes from a consumer society that tells us to take all we can get, make sure we get a discount, and if you can rip the other guy off, do it!   Too often we go to church and automat