
Showing posts from 2017

Opioids: How We Must Respond As A Church

Problem - The Churches Approach to The Opioid Epidemic The local church in the Dayton, Ohio area and throughout the country in general, has found itself facing a drug abuse crisis on a scale it has not had to deal with until now. Throughout the history of the church there have been problems with drug use in the community however, the opioid epidemic in Dayton, Ohio today has reached astronomical numbers of deaths and overdoses and the church has to find a way to get involved in an ever-increasing lack of spiritual guidance in our society.     Dayton is the largest city in Montgomery County Ohio. According Sheriff Phil Plumber of the Montgomery County Sheriff’s Office, “We're on a pace to have 800 people die this year due to overdose in our county," Sheriff Phil Plummer told NBC News. "Per capita, we're Number 1 in the nation in overdose deaths” (Soboroff, 2017). Montgomery County Coroner Kent Harshbarger stated that because his office covers one-fifth of Ohio,

Whom Shall I Send?

For centuries there has been some debate within the Christian church about "working your way to Heaven." Some believe you have to do so many good deeds to get there, others believe you don't have to do anything but believe in Jesus and follow a few sacraments and rituals. With the opioid epidemic that has hit America and particularly Dayton, Ohio where I am from, I felt like God was calling me to address a few things in this area using His word to do so and not just what some pastor trying to get you to volunteer said out of frustration.   First thing we have to understand is there is legitimate reason for the frustration in the church today. It is said that 90% of the work in the church is done by 10% of the church goers who eventually end up burned out and frustrated. I believe this comes from a consumer society that tells us to take all we can get, make sure we get a discount, and if you can rip the other guy off, do it!   Too often we go to church and automat

"Puttin in Work: Why We MUST Serve"

Over the last few years I have spent in ministry, I have had the privilege to serve a lot of the Dayton community through volunteer work in a multitude of areas. Not all have been ministry related. Many of the projects I have been involved in have been manual labor that needed done at places like the Life Enrichment Center and other community centers and churches in the area. I have tried my hardest to be humble about the work, lead by example for those around me, and simply be a good representative for Jesus in the flesh. One of the most frustrating things in volunteering is getting others to volunteer as well. The average American in today’s society has been conditioned to be a consumer only and not a giver. It has become a society of what can I get from this or that, and what angle can I take to get more out of someone or their business. No one wants to work for what they have today they just expect it is owed to them and they want to make it to the top off of the back of someone

Seasons: Part II

In my last blog titled, "Seasons: Part I," I discussed how I wanted to approached the topic of seasons of life as found in Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 along with other areas of the Bible. I only got through verses 1-2 and I am finally picking up tonight at Ecclesiastes 3:3, Solomon wrote in verse 1, "For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven:" He went on in verse 3 to write, " a time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up;" The interesting thing I am finding in my own life is I had this whole "Christian thing" all wrong. Many times we feel like if we are Christian we aren't to be judged or looked at wrong or treated poorly and everything is supposed to be perfect in life. In fact, as we read what Solomon says here, he is telling us that there is a time for good indeed, but there is also a time for struggle. As we read verse three some in todays society may say, "well that&#

Seasons: Part I

Recently, I have gone through some changes in life that had me questioning my own faith, my own destiny, my own call, and even my own life and death. I have tried to press into the Word of God and attend Christian conferences, seminars, church services, and listen to sermons daily. What I have come to realize is that there is in fact a season for everything including death. Of course everyone dies but that is not what I am referring to in this post. What I am speaking of is not a physical death of the flesh, but a death to the flesh and even the spirit. In the last six months or so I have heard and talked a lot about dying to self. What I didn't realize at the time was I needed to heed my own advice and learn to walk in the Spirit. Today I want to start a series of blogs I will title " Seasons ," which will be primarily out of Ecclesiastes 3 verses 1-8, but I will probably end up going in other places of the Bible as well. Ecclesiastes 3:1-2 (ESV) says, "For ev


I will be writing a new blog again very soon. Facebook seems to attract too much drama and criticism. So in order to write what God is placing on my heart to write, I will be doing it in a blog for now. I look forward to sharing my recent journeys, struggles, victories, and personal revelations with you. God bless, Pastor Mike Lawson